I’m back! Some people have questioned where my blogs are at! After weeks of stressful moments, working my fat arse off while the world...

Down South
Down South **WARNING: Graphic detail** We’re now closing in on February, over 1 month after we all made those horrendous New Year...

Oh January, You big piece of arse!! To me, January feels like a massive pile of Ebenezer Scrooge’s shit, forcing itself up your nose and...

Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight (Either is good, with a middle finger) The last thing you want to be doing after a 13 hour flight is pelting it through...

One size fits ALL
"I know I'm fat There's no need to give me the 'look' - the one where your eyes travel up and down my body in disgust. There's no need to...

I will never hear the ENDO of it
I will never hear the ENDO of it Some of you may know that I was diagnosed with Endometriosis about 5 years ago at the age of 26 and...

Behind the Seams
Behind the Seams I don’t think there is a single fat girl out there who doesn’t have a trove of secrets going on underneath her clothes....

Mrs Blobby's Wetsuit
Mrs Blobby’s wetsuit Who remembers Mr, Mrs and baby Blobby? Creepy as fuck, from what I remember. Mr Blobby used to give me nightmares...

Pigeon Bridesmaid
Pigeon Bridesmaid It's wedding season! A time where the bride desperately needs the squad around. Some say that a bride will pick her...

Camel heel, camel toe
Camel heel, Camel toe It has taken me ages to write this one as every time I get to it, I shake with laughter and the tears start. It...